A history of Pop Up Cinema

01.01 - 01.01.2023

What have we done in the past ten years of bringing film to Tilburg?

As of 2023, Pop Up Cinema has been around for ten years, throughout this decade we've brought our movable movie screen to all kinds of exciting places. On this page we'll summarize the highlights of our past so you get an impression of the things we've done so far.

The zomerfilms

A yearly event at theatre de Nieuwe Vorst. The zomerfilms are a popular event in Tilburg and almost always completely "sold out". (They're free to attend, but always full) During the summer we show films in the open air in the garden space of the theatre, it is usually a collection of high quality movies from various countries with some broader appeal but also an unique style and subject. For example the Korean film Parasite, the philosphical Manifeso, or the classic Stand by me.

Spruit Cinema

Film for the little ones! Together with Spruit Tilburg we've hosted various movie screenings in libraries in and around Tilburg city. We've kept the prices of these screenings low and accompanied the movies with a conversation with the children about what they've seen and how to judge a film and write a review.

Smederij Cinema

Cinema in the club! Together with Club Smederij we've hosted various film screenings in their auditorium that's usually used to host dance events. The German-Iraqi documentary Raving Iran in 2018, the drama film Goldie in 2020 and the portrait of modern protestculture Everyday Rebellion in 2019 amongst many others.

Talent Talks

Multiple times we've presented the Talent Talks at various locations: bite sized interviews with creatives. A moderator talks about the creative process, the work and the life of multiple makers that we invite to show their work and inspiration through images and short clips in front of an audience. From citypoet Onias Landveld to singer-songwriter Abee. We've presented these talks in the LocHal and theatre de Nieuwe Vorst.

Creators sessions

For the creators sessions, an event at theatre de Nieuwe Vorst where creators from various disciplines show off a part of their work like a teaser or preview, we've connected the organizers with filmmakers so that film was also represented in the line-up.

We've done a lot more throughout the years, to see more about our past events you can browse through the Dutch archive on our website.